Podcast - New Rules for Unit Titles
Julia Batchelor-Smith sat down with Scott Donaldson and Alice Milne of Mactodd Lawyers, Queenstown to discuss the Amendment Act and what the changes will mean for owners, committees, and Body Corporate Managers.
This wide-ranging discussion covered:
What rights and responsibilities does a Body Corporate have?
As an owner, what are the key things you need to be aware of?
How are the disclosure obligations changing (in particular, in the area of weathertightness)?
What should you consider when buying into a unit titled development?
What do you do if you have a dispute, and how is this changing under the amended Act (including increased accessibility to the Tenancy Tribunal)?
What do 'large' developments need to be aware of under the new Act?
What will the law reforms mean for Bodies Corporate, owners, Body Corporate Committees, and Body Corporate Managers?
At the time of filming in August 2022, the implementation dates for the new Act hadn't been announced - but we now know the majority will take effect from 9 May 2023.